Parents, Guardians & Students,
The Home Access Center (HAC) to view student school information over the Internet has been upgraded. To access HAC, go to or use the link on the district/schools website – – Grades.
Users must select Cedarville Public Schools from the drop-down menu and enter your login and password. Logins and Passwords are the same as last year, unless you are new to the district. If you are new to the distrrict you must click on “Click Here to Register for HAC”. NOTE: For this to work the office MUST have an email address on file in the school system.
Parents with multiple students in the school system can switch between students by clicking “Change Student” on the upper right side of the page. From the “Choose Your Student” pop-up, select the student to display and click Submit. If you are unable to see all of your students, please contact a school secretary to “link” your students.
In the upgraded version of HAC, users will be able to subscribe to and change settings for types of alerts to receive about students. To display the My Alerts page, hover over the user name in the upper right hand corner of the screen of the Home Access Center banner and select My Alerts. (To receive emails, guardians and students must subscribe to alerts in HAC and must have a valid email address registered with the office.) If the email address listed in HAC under Registration information is not correct, please contact your building secretary to update.
Registration – Users are asked to review the information in the Registration section of HAC regularly to verify that all information is accurate and current. If your information changes at any time, please contact your building secretary to update.
Users may change their passwords and modify challenge questions in My Account. Hover over the user name in the HAC banner and then select My Account. If users are unable to change passwords, contact the building secretary for assistance.
Users may Logoff by selecting Logoff from the upper banner.
For assistance with any portion of HAC, please contact your building secretary or Angela Bonewell,
Also with the upgrade, we have a new feature called the eSchoolPlus Family App. The app can be downloaded from the iPhone’s App Store or the Android’s Google Play Store. The app allows parents and students to view attendance, classwork, calendar events, grades, and even email teachers by tapping the teacher’s name. This app also includes a Notifications option that allows parents and students to see alerts that were previously sent by email. The app uses the parent’s/students HAC login and password.